Seeking a Physician Assistant for busy practice in desirable, sunny Scottsdale, Arizona. Our office is currently comprised of two Board-Certified otolaryngologists, three full time audiologists with 3 booths: one hearing aid specialist, two balance specialists plus two 4th year Audiology Residents as well as a Doctor of Physical Therapy for vestibular rehabilitation. We pride ourselves on our comprehensive balance center with state-ofthe-art vestibular diagnostic testing. EMR system used is eClinicalWorks. Tremendous office staff committed to outstanding patient care. Background and training in Otolaryngology is preferred. Clinical practice only, no hospital call. Hours would be 8AM-5PM Monday through Friday, no weekends. You will receive on-the-job training directly from Dr. Kurt Heiland, a top-rated otolaryngologist and head and neck surgeon. May also have the opportunity to assist in surgical cases. Competitive compensation package based on productivity and experience. If interested please email a resume to
MPAS, experience in Otolaryngology strongly preferred
Delivering the world’s best specialized care for all ear, nose, and throat problems using the talent of Arizona’s most prestigious doctors and the most advanced technology available is the primary mission of Scottsdale ENT. Dr. Heiland and Dr. MacKechnie have been recognized for multiple years as Top ENT doctors in Arizona.
Our patients enjoy a welcoming atmosphere the minute they walk through the door. Their confidence and peace of mind continues to grow as they experience the professional care of the state’s leading doctors.