At Duke Health, we're driven by a commitment to compassionate care that changes the lives of patients, their loved ones, and the greater community. No matter where your talents lie, join us and discover how we can advance health together.
About Duke Health's Patient Revenue Management Organization
Pursue your passion for caring with the Patient Revenue Management Organization, which is Duke Health's fully integrated, centralized revenue cycle organization that supports the entire health system in streamlining the revenue cycle. This includes scheduling, registration, coding, billing, and other essential revenue functions.
Occ Summary
Coordinate and participate in a variety ofduties associated withdaily clinic preparation process, patient ident ification, patient checkin/out, charge posting, cash management and pati ent appointmentscheduling. Positionalso involves customer service, mess agedistribution, ancillary scheduling and preparation and referralsmanag ement.
Work Performed
Prepare for clinic visits by r eviewingnext day patients andcompleting next day preparation activities. Enterpre-visit orders andprepare new patient charts. Pick up X-rays, of ficecharts, medicalrecords, reports, petty cash and collections bag. Fil ehistory sheets,ancillary reports and all other required patient record documentation.Return medical records. Attach HIPPA/Medicare documents to theencounter forms.Check-in patient upon arrival in the practice. Ident ifycorrect patientinformation in Maestro Care. Verify patient demographi cdata. EditMaestro Care as needed. Accurately identify the appropriate accountfor patient visit. Present and educate patients on required formsa ndobtain signature as required by policy and procedure. Completes allMae stro Care check-in files and manage all appropriate alerts. Collectandpo st co-payments and balances on accounts due. Imprint all patientspecific chart documents and requisition/transmittal documents. Copy,file and dis tribute insurance cards as indicated by procedure.Coordinate all labs/pr ocedures as requested. Maintain private physicianoffice charts.Prepareen counter forms. Investigate and account for missing encounterforms. Audit encounter forms for completeness and accuracy beforebatching. Batchesen counter forms or charge posting in Maestro Care.Schedule tests and proce dures. Complete and distributeancillary service requisitions.Explainbill ing to patientsaccording to PRMO credit and collection policies. Determi ne the amountof cash to be collected based on insurance plan.Check-outpa tients. Make return appointments by scheduling patients into thecorrectappointment type, entering the primary care physician orreferring physve r messages to physicians, nurses andothers. Report obtained medical inic ian and scheduling tests and procedures.Answer telephone, take anddelifo rmation from patients and referringphysicians accurately, completely and timely. Disseminate messagesaccording to practice communication standar ds
Knowledge, Skills and Abilities
Strong verbal and written communication. Basic PC and data entryskills. Knowledge of medi cal terminology and telephone etiquette.Demonstrated ability to organize and prioritize work, provide oral andwritten instructions, interact tac tfully with customers and establishand maintain effective relationships with others. Must be able to applyspecific departmental policies rulesan d regulations relating toverifying patient information, collecting payme nts and maintainingrecords and forms.
Level Characteristics< /h3>
Minimum Qualifications
Duke is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer committed toproviding employment opportunity without regard to an indiv idual's age,color, disability, gender, gender expression, gender identit y, geneticinformation, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orie ntation,or veteran status.
Duke aspires to create a c ommunity built on collaboration,innovation, creativity, and belonging. O ur collective success depends onthe robust exchange of ideas-an exchange that is best when the richdiversity of our perspectives, backgrounds, a nd experiences flourishes.To achieve this exchange, it is essential that all members of thecommunity feel secure and welcome, that the contribut ions of allindividuals are respected, andthat all voices are heard. All members ofour community have a responsibility to uphold these values. p>
Essential Physical Job Functions: Certain jobs at Duke University andDuke University Health System may include essential job f unctions thatrequire specific physical and/or mental abilities. Addition alinformation and provision for requests for reasonable accommodation wi llbe provided by each hiring department.
E ducation
Work requires knowledge of basic grammar and mathematic al principlesnormally acquired through high school education
Minimum of one year of work experience in directly c ommunicating andproviding service to patients or public; preferably in a healthcarerelated field. Experience in effectively coordinating multipl e tasks oractivities.
Degrees, Licensures, Certifications
Duke is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer committed to providing employment opportunity without regard to an individual's age, color, disability, gender, gender expression, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status.
Duke aspires to create a community built on collaboration, innovation, creativity, and belonging. Our collective success depends on the robust exchange of ideas-an exchange that is best when the rich diversity of our perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences flourishes. To achieve this exchange, it is essential that all members of the community feel secure and welcome, that the contributions of all individuals are respected, and that all voices are heard. All members of our community have a responsibility to uphold these values.
Essential Physical Job Functions: Certain jobs at Duke University and Duke University Health System may include essentialjob functions that require specific physical and/or mental abilities. Additional information and provision for requests for reasonable accommodation will be provided by each hiring department.
As a world-class academic and health care system, Duke Health strives to transform medicine and health locally and globally through innovative scientific research, rapid translation of breakthrough discoveries, educating future clinical and scientific leaders, advocating and practicing evidence-based medicine to improve community health, and leading efforts to eliminate health inequalities.